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Friday, January 18, 2013

FINALLY some good FREAKIN' news!!!!!

January 18, 2013 - Got a phone call around 10:30 AM only to have Jessica from MD Anderson quickly say "Amber, I have great news.  You tested negative for the BRCA 1 & 2 gene"  I almost cried!!!!!  That means I get to keep my ovaries and DO NOT have to have a double mastectomy.  That also means my sister's risk is lower for developing breast cancer.  Now I just need to decide on having only a lumpectomy or a mastectomy on the right side.  I want to be safe and positive this will be gone and I will never have to worry about this coming back and have the mastectomy, but I will talk to my surgeon on her opinion now that we have all the pieces of the puzzle.

Also today I met with the fertility doctor.  After lots of blood work and an ultrasound we (really meaning the doctor) decided on a regiment on how to prep my eggs.  Kinda sucks; I have to (or should I say Zac has to) give me two shots a day in the belly for the next 3 days.  I go back on Monday and we repeat blood work and ultrasound and will decide on my dosage for the next 3 days, and so forth.  We (the doctor) are hoping to remove the eggs on the 30th give or take a couple of days.  My fertility doctor and all my doctors at MDA are on the same page and in communication with my treatment.  Sooooo - my surgery maybe bumped up a week.  I was told to keep an eye on my MDA website to see the updates.  I will keep everyone posted (for those who are traveling and/or taking off work) as soon as I hear something.

Zac and I had a very eventful day so we decided to stay home and have a movie/wine/video game/iPad game night.  We have friends coming in from out of town this weekend and will be celebrating two birthday tomorrow.  

Remember, check your breast and have a great weekend!